Saturday, February 14, 2009

Life Group Participation

How do we encourage everyone to participate in Life Group? In reality, this is a question of ownership.

There are two kinds of people who attend a Life Group. First, there are those who say, "I go to Kevin's group." They see a Life Group as something they attend--just one choice on the menu of options in their week. They are part of a group because of what they can get out of it.

Then there are those who say, "This is my Life Group." They have decided that this is their group--ownership. They realize that group is not just something to attend, it is relational connections that add value to each person's life, including theirs. They are part of a group because of what they can give to others.

So, I think the fundamental answer to getting people to participate is to encourage them to buy in to ownership. And, how do we do that?

  • Use the covenant to establish expectations. People won't buy into ownership unless they understand what is expected. Further, the covenant gives them a chance to voice preferences. This should be discussed in your first or second meeting.
  • Help people see the benefit of attending the meeting, and connecting in relationships.
  • Delegate responsibilities such as bringing food or snacks or making phone calls and emails.
  • Ask others to facilitate the discussion, or lead the prayer time.
  • Ask others to host the meeting in their home.
  • Give forethought to the seating arrangement, so that each person has eye contact with others.
I would love to hear how you have encouraged participation in your group. Please email me your ideas.

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