Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who would Jesus help?

This week, it seems that requests for financial assistance have been very frequent and varied. I have asked the question so often, "Would Jesus help this person?" I believe the obvious answer is "YES". But the bigger question is "How would He help them?"

Some people seem to think that it is a necessity to buy Christmas gifts for their children. A request of a man calling from Kentucky wanting gas money wired to him. Ironically, he was referred to us by a local person to goes to another church in the community. Several people wanting a job referral. One man who beat the bushes for 3 days all over Blountstown on foot looking for a job. Guess what, he got one! Another family who thought it was my emergency that they waited to the last minute to try to pay their electric bill.

How would Jesus help? Obviously, He was God, so he could have divine knowledge of the real solution to their problem. But the thing that stands out to me in the gospels is that he treated each situation differently. He rarely used the same approach but he showed respect to each person.

Some need life coaching. A few need physical help such as food and clothes. All need prayer and an encouraging word.

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