Saturday, December 20, 2008

whirlwind week

This week seems like a whirlwind--with lots of high-notes and low-notes.

Here are some high-notes:
  • Developed system with Delilah of followup from the Connection Cards--because every person matters to God.
  • Finished Christmas shopping.
  • Christmas lunch with the team I get to be a part of.
  • Discovered a few of my files were backed up--most of them journal entries--God must know what I need. :) (see below for more explanation)
  • Attending a graduation at the Liberty County jail for the CR Inside program and hearing the testimonies of 6 ladies who God got hold of in jail, and they are pursuing recovery.
  • CELEBRATED 16 YEARS WITH MY INCREDIBLE BRIDE. Spent the night and day with her at the Wakulla Springs Lodge--with my cell turned off, no tv, no computer.

Now for the low-notes:

  • Several people were sick this week--my wife, daughter, and administrative assistant. Sickness can sure change plans.
  • On Tuesday, my hard-drive crashed. Amazingly, I got it fixed same day and went to load my backup, only to discover that it was not a good backup. Some glitch with Windows backup program related to the difference between a normal, an incremental, and a differential backup.
  • Crying and praying with a friend whose marriage is struggling. Mad at Satan for tearing up families!
  • Grieving with a co-worker on the death of his grandmother.

As someone said, "The Christian life is like both rails of a train track." God gives us joys and sorrows. Ministry can be the highest of highs and the lowest of lows--both at the same time. God knows what we can handle. Too much success, and I struggle with pride. Too much sorrow, and depression creeps in.

Actually, the story of Christmas shows that. The baby Jesus came announced by an angelic choir and beautiful singing. But he also came in a feedtrough surrounded by smelly animals. It was exactly what God had planned!

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