Sunday, March 1, 2009

Daughter Date

Last night, I had a date with my 11.6 year old daughter. Yes, this year I decided for Valentine's day I would take my girls on a date. Had a great time, and she chose Sonic. Heather is the quiet one of our family, and so it was good to get some insight into what she likes.

It is amazing how my little girl is growing up. This year has made a big difference in her confidence and her personality is really showing. I was able to talk with her about boys (yes, they are interested in her . I am not surprised, but they better keep their distance). We talked about friends, what she wants to be when she grows up, and what is happening in her life this month.

My family is very important to me. We have developed routines that help us stay connected. Things like:
  • praying together before bed
  • eating together several evenings a week
  • asking the kids about their days
  • playing games together
These are all "together" time, but there is also the need for times with individuals.
  • A date with my wife every other week
  • A date with each of my two girls
  • Doing an activity with my son (a date with my son just doesn't work)
This is about developing intentional time with each other. You know, this same principle applies to our small group as well. There are some routines that help us stay connected. They are essential, and without these scheduled time, people would not be able to have shared expectations of what a group is about.

  • Weekly meeting that includes Bible study, prayer, food, and fun.
  • email and phone communication
  • fun times for the families in your group
But there are other ways of connecting that will help the relationships to grow deeper with individuals. Some examples are:

  • Meeting another guy for breakfast or coffee.
  • Golfing together (I just had to put this one in)
  • Shopping (although I would know this one from personal experience)
  • Working out with someone
  • Phone or personal conversations
My point it, the routine and scheduled ways of connecting are important, but they are not enough. We must intentionally seek ways to connect with individuals. It is often that personal time together that help the relationships grow deeper than they are able to during the scheduled times.

1 comment:

Laura said...

This is something that my Dad always did with me! I think it is one of the most important things a Dad can do with/for his little girl! We still try to make time about once a year to go out together (that is when I can manage to leave the kids:) It is one of the things I treasure most from my childhood! You are doing a great thing! She will treasure it for always!