Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Memorial Service

Tomorrow I get the privilege of sharing at a memorial service for a 20 year old who was tragically killed in a car accident last week. His adoptive sister attends at RiverTown.

It is one of those interesting families, and people who would not normally be together have been brought together by this tragic event. Also, people who would not normally sit around and talk with a minister seem to hang on every word I say.

One of the coolest things was to hear the family member who goes to RCC "brag" on her church to the rest of the family. Her description of RiverTown as "a church different than any other" and music that sounds like heavy metal with a great message brought expressions of surprise from the family. To my knowledge, no one else in the family goes to church at all. This lady was definitely seizing on this tragic situation to get her family to experience God's love and truth through the body of Christ that she is a part of.

It reminded me of when I first met her. She had brought her boyfriend to drop him off for community service. That continued weekly, and our brief interaction over those months gradually seemed to soften both of their hearts toward God and church.

In talking to the family this week, I am again reminded of the brevity of life. Our days on this earth are numbered, and as Rick Warren says, "Life is preparation for eternity." And then the question occurred to me, "What did I do today that prepared me and others for eternity?" But then the better question is:

What does God have in store for me tomorrow so that I can prepare for eternity?
Sobering, and thrilling thought. I can lay my head down tonight expectantly.

1 comment:

Ralph Yoder said...

Thanks for the reminder of the brevity of life...and the importance of preparation. Who knows what impact we'll have in our everyday life.